How To Remove Leaves From Your Garden

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How To Remove Leaves From Your Garden
How To Remove Leaves From Your Garden

As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisper, there's no denying that autumn is knocking on our doors. While the colorful foliage may be a delight to the eyes, the falling leaves can become quite the challenge for garden enthusiasts. But don't fret; we're here to help you keep your garden leaf-free with these five friendly steps as we transition into autumn.

1. Gather Your Tools🔨

Before you dive headfirst into the leaf-clearing mission, gather your trusty tools. You'll need a good-quality rake, leaf blower (if you have one), sturdy gloves, and a few 70L Bin Liners. Having the right tools at your disposal will make the job much more manageable.

2. Plan Your Attack👨‍🌾

Start by assessing the size of your garden and the number of trees shedding leaves. This will help you plan your leaf-clearing strategy effectively. Decide where you'll pile the leaves for bagging or composting, and also consider if you want to leave some leaves as natural mulch in specific areas. Planning ahead will save you time and effort.

3. Rake It In🍂

Now comes the fun part – raking! Use your trusty rake to gather leaves into manageable piles. Start from the edges of your garden and work your way towards the centre. Make sure to rake leaves away from any delicate plants or flowers. Raking can be a bit of a workout, so take it slow and enjoy the crisp autumn air.

Leaf Blower Magic🌬️

If you're fortunate enough to have a leaf blower, this step can be a breeze. Use it to blow leaves into manageable piles or even into a tarp for easy transport. Leaf blowers can save you time and energy, but they're not necessary if you prefer the simplicity of a traditional rake.

5. Bag 'Em or Compost 'Em🍁

Once you've gathered the leaves into piles, it's time to decide what to do with them. You have two eco-friendly options: bagging or composting.

  • Bagging: If you choose to bag the leaves, use large, biodegradable bags, like our new 70L bags. These bags will break down naturally over time, reducing your environmental footprint. Fill the bags with leaves, tie them securely, and place them by the curb for municipal collection or drop them off at a local composting facility if available.
  • Composting: Composting is a fantastic way to put those fallen leaves to good use. You can create a leaf pile in your garden or use a designated compost bin. Over time, the leaves will decompose into nutrient-rich compost that you can use to nourish your garden in the spring. Remember to mix the leaves with other compostable materials like kitchen scraps and grass clippings for the best results.

Bonus Tip: Leaf Art and Crafts🎨

Autumn leaves aren't just garden nuisances; they're also versatile craft materials. Gather some beautiful leaves to create seasonal decor like leaf garlands, wreaths, or even leaf prints on paper. Get creative with your leaf collection and bring the colors of autumn indoors!

Embrace the beauty of autumn while keeping your garden leaf-free by following these five friendly steps. Remember to plan your leaf-clearing strategy, gather your tools, and decide whether to bag or compost the fallen leaves. And don't forget to have some fun by turning your leaf collection into beautiful seasonal crafts. With these friendly steps, you'll have a leaf-free garden that's ready to welcome the wonders of autumn with open arms. Happy leaf-clearing!

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