5 Tips On How To Do Laundry Sustainably

cleaning hacks
 5 Tips On How To Do Laundry Sustainably
 5 Tips On How To Do Laundry Sustainably

Laundry’s dirty, but it doesn’t need to dirty the planet💁‍♀️ Here are 5 tips on how you can have a more sustainable relationship with how you do laundry, and with household bills rising you’ll also be saving on your energy costs too. It’s a win win!

Just cool it everyone🧊

Did you know  90% of a washing machine’s energy is spent heating water? You normally don’t need to wash your clothes any higher than 30 degrees - especially with the efficient washing detergents available today🌿 Additionally, if you can cut out one wash cycle per week, that’ll take £5 off your annual energy bill.

Load it up baby😜

Wait till your basket is full before turning on your washing machine - that’s around three quarters full in most cases. A lot of us also get into the habit of tossing clothes in the laundry when they’re not necessarily dirty - most shirts and trousers can be worn a few times before they need to be washed✨ If you must absolutely run a wash that doesn’t cover a full load, make sure you select a shorter wash cycle to save energy.

Let’s hang out🧼

Skip the dryer and hang up your clothes! Dryers consume a lot of energy so why not let the wind and sun work their magic instead - plus it doesn’t cost a thing💸 Line drying also cuts down on the wear and tear your clothes may experience in the dryer, which means your favourite pieces will last longer!

Too busy? An eco-dry cleaners will do🙌

Don’t have the time, or have clothes that require special care? Make sure you research your dry cleaners and go with one that uses an eco-cleaning process; for example, using eco-friendly detergents and technologies💙 If you’re living in London, we recommend using BLANC who are on a mission to clean up the dry-cleaning industry and make clothes last. Use the code SEEP20 to get 20% off at BLANC.

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